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Automatically tagging and categorizing Outlook email messages

In the previous section you have learned how you can tag and categorize Outlook messages by using SimplyTag One-Click-Tag buttons and QuickTag Window.

In most cases, you can apply the right tag to the message with just one click. We asked ourselves if it is possible to do even better? Zero clicks? With Auto Tagging, the answer is “Yes!”. New messages will be tagged upon arrival, so you have to do less work yourself.

SimplyTag can automatically apply tags to incoming messages based on what categories you manually applied to similar messages in the past.

You can enable auto-tagging on the Tagging tab of the Options window.

When auto-tagging is enabled, SimplyTag will remember what tags you manually apply to messages. Whenever a new message arrives that matches (with a combination of subject and recipients) a message you previously tagged, SimplyTag will automatically assign the same categories to it.


Be sure to set do not auto-tag on any tag which you do not want to be automatically applied.